The Power of Lived Experience and Peer Support – Self Harm Network Scotland
A new report explores how the Network ensures that personal experiences and a peer-led approach shape service design and delivery.
Self Harm Network Scotland supports the delivery of the Scottish Government and COSLA’s Self Harm Strategy and Action Plan. This national service puts people’s lived experiences of self-harm and recovery at the centre of developing and delivering support.
This report explores the positive impact of their peer-led approach which provides supportive environments. Environments that foster meaningful change for people who self-harm, their loved ones, and professionals working with them.
- Read The Power of Lived Experience and Peer Support report
It helps them [supported people] to worry less about being judged negatively for their self-harm. I often also hear a sense of relief from people I am supporting that someone else ‘gets it’ – it’s a normalising of experiences that they previously felt they were alone in having. There is also an element of hope in seeing that people can and do overcome these difficult things.
Laura, Self Harm Network Scotland, Peer Practitioner