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Celebrating and championing peer support: your highlights from 2024!

We’ve loved collaborating with you throughout 2024. Here’s a snapshot of the amazing work you are doing to grow peer support in Scotland.

A collage of photos from different events.

Role of peer support in early intervention webinar on catch-up!

"Helpful - Engaging - Inspiring". 60 minutes exploring peer–led support as an early intervention to helping people stay mentally well.

Laptop and mug on a table with a plant in the background.

Making Peer Practical Together: update and podcast!

12 participants from nine organisations recently celebrated being part of Making Peer Practical but it's just the beginning...

Group photo with people holding certificates and a social media board which says "the future is peer"

Director’s blog: Growing peer support in Scotland

Our Director, Louise Christie reflects on 2024 and shares some exciting plans for 2025!

A winding pathway of jigsaw pieces. A circle with a photo of Louise.

The Power of Lived Experience and Peer Support – Self Harm Network Scotland

A new report explores how the Network ensures that personal experiences and a peer-led approach shape service design and delivery.

Embedding a peer support workforce – webinar on catch up!

Are you interested in growing and embedding a peer support workforce in Scotland?

Laptop and mug on a table with a plant in the background.

Demonstrating the positive impact of peer support – 20 March

How do we clearly demonstrate the powerful and nuanced role that peer support plays in supporting people’s mental health recovery?

Icons of 3 people sharing ideas.

Webinar: The role of peer support in mental health crisis services – 4 February

Are you a strategic thinker interested in different approaches to suicide prevention and mental health crisis support?

Laptop and mug on a table with a plant in the background.

The Big Scottish Peer Support Survey! An update

In the lead up to publishing the survey report in the New Year, here's a taster of some of your feedback and an outline of our next steps.

A winding pathway of jigsaw pieces.

Peer Connects: Developing your intentional peer practice: 14 January

Are you in a peer support role and would like to develop your peer practice?

Icons of four people.