Celebrating and championing peer support: your highlights from 2024!
We’ve loved collaborating with you throughout 2024. Here’s a snapshot of the amazing work you are doing to grow peer support in Scotland.

Role of peer support in early intervention webinar on catch-up!
"Helpful - Engaging - Inspiring". 60 minutes exploring peer–led support as an early intervention to helping people stay mentally well.

Making Peer Practical Together: update and podcast!
12 participants from nine organisations recently celebrated being part of Making Peer Practical but it's just the beginning...

Director’s blog: Growing peer support in Scotland
Our Director, Louise Christie reflects on 2024 and shares some exciting plans for 2025!

The Power of Lived Experience and Peer Support – Self Harm Network Scotland
A new report explores how the Network ensures that personal experiences and a peer-led approach shape service design and delivery.

Embedding a peer support workforce – webinar on catch up!
Are you interested in growing and embedding a peer support workforce in Scotland?

Demonstrating the positive impact of peer support – 20 March
How do we clearly demonstrate the powerful and nuanced role that peer support plays in supporting people’s mental health recovery?

Webinar: The role of peer support in mental health crisis services – 4 February
Are you a strategic thinker interested in different approaches to suicide prevention and mental health crisis support?

The Big Scottish Peer Support Survey! An update
In the lead up to publishing the survey report in the New Year, here's a taster of some of your feedback and an outline of our next steps.

Peer Connects: Developing your intentional peer practice: 14 January
Are you in a peer support role and would like to develop your peer practice?