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Scottish Recovery Network promotes and supports mental health recovery. We were established in 2004. Our vision is:

Together we can make Scotland a place where people expect mental health recovery and are supported at all stages of their recovery journey.


We bring people, services and organisations across sectors together to create a mental health system that embraces peer support and is powered by lived experience. Our work includes making sure people with lived experience are involved in a meaningful way in the design and delivery of mental health support.


  • Compassion – Listen to, validate and support those we are working with to have a voice and to develop their capacity to engage in recovery focused change.
  • Curiosity – Value and explore different ideas and strive to learn from others to build coalitions that bring about positive change in our communities, services and the wider system.
  • Collaboration – Bring people together to explore and develop new ways of working that value different experiences, expertise and voices, and rebalance power.
  • Courage – Believe in the possibility of change at a personal level and in our organisations, services and society. Embrace a willingness to be open to all voices including those we do not always understand.

Shaping Recovery in Scotland

How we’re making a difference

This report and executive summary are the culmination of nearly two years of work with Habitus Collective. They used a variety of methods to evaluate our work to better understand its impacts. The findings inform our thinking and planning for this year and into the future as we continue to work together with you to make mental health recovery real.

Meet the team

Louise Christie, Director

I am responsible for developing the strategic and national relationships needed to ensure the learning from our work is shared effectively and influences policy and practice. Before joining the team, I managed a social enterprise. In addition to policy, development, and consulting roles in regeneration, social enterprise, and community development, I have also worked in grant-making. I am passionate about the power of lived experience and the capacity of people to work together to bring about positive change. Email Louise

Holly Hendry, Operations Manager

As Operations Manager, I am responsible for leading our programmes and supporting our projects team to plan and deliver the work we do across Scotland. I firmly believe that lived experience should sit centrally to our mental health system and that collaboration is key to creating change both nationally and locally. I have worked in a variety of community development roles in the public and voluntary sectors. Email Holly

Eilidh Hollow, Projects Coordinator

I’m involved in a variety of projects across Scottish Recovery Network’s programme. My background in mental health and community development has shaped how I approach my work, and I bring to the role a passion for building networks, championing the power of communities and co-creating tools for change. I love working collaboratively and exploring ways we can highlight and share the power of peer support, as well as programmes, projects and services driven by lived experience. Email Eilidh

Jane Hutton, Administrator

As a full-time Administrator, I support the implementation of Scottish Recovery Network programmes and organisation-wide administration and events. I worked as a secretary / administrator in the public transport industry before joining Scottish Recovery Network. Email Jane

Hannah Kane, Projects Coordinator

I have held different roles in the voluntary sector. I’m passionate about creating mentally healthy communities where recovery is real for everyone. I have a keen interest in tackling mental health stigma and discrimination. Email Hannah

Iona MacTaggart, Evaluation Coordinator

As the Evaluation Coordinator, I am committed to measuring and demonstrating the effectiveness of our work and activities. I focus on using different types of data to highlight the impact of recovery and peer support. My background in mental health, namely several years working within eating disorders, has shaped my approach to evaluation and passion for lived experience centred work. Email Iona

Catriona McDougallProjects Coordinator

I really enjoy working on projects where people with lived experience are recognised as experts in their own experiences and are involved in every stage. It’s a brilliant moment at the end of a project getting to reflect with the people involved and celebrating what has been achieved. Raising awareness of the importance of lived experience in mental health support is something I’m really passionate about. Before this role I worked in collective advocacy for adults with a learning disability. Email Catriona

Christine Muir, Communications Lead

I manage communications at Scottish Recovery Network. My role involves collaborating with people to make sure the voice of lived experience is at the heart of developing mental health support. Strategic planning, running campaigns and working with people to share their stories are all part of my role. Outside of work, I am on the board of Mind Waves: a peer-led; Scottish charity that shares positive stories about mental health and wellbeing. Every month I help facilitate a Glasgow support group for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Email Christine

Lesley Smith, Projects Officer

I bring to the role my belief in recovery, passion for change and collaboration work. My previous roles included involvement, collective advocacy, governance and training. I am excited to be able to work in a way that is informed by my personal experiences of recovery and using services as well as my professional expertise. Email Lesley

Funding and governance

Scottish Government funds our work.

Penumbra hosts Scottish Recovery Network. Penumbra is a charity (SC 010387) and a company limited by guarantee (SC 091542) registered in Scotland. As an organisation we comply with Penumbra’s policies and procedures and financial management systems and staff are subject to their terms and conditions.

Scottish Recovery Network is one of a collective of 17 organisations who make up the Scottish Mental Health Partnership (SMHP)