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Get your free Peer Group Facilitation guides!

Launched as part of Co-production Week Scotland these practical guides will support you to run peer support groups whether online or in person.

The Let’s do Peer Group Facilitation guides have been co-designed with people already delivering their own peer support groups. People just like you, who are learning from their experiences and coming together to share that learning.

The resource is co-designed to be both practical and adaptable. It will give you a direction of travel but also allow for you to divert along the way – dipping in and out of the resource – to suit your own needs. It includes four FREE guides:

  1. What is my role as a peer facilitator?
  2. What does a healthy peer support group look like?
  3. Boundaries and why they are important?
  4. Support for peer facilitators

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Meet our contributors!

In this short film (hosted by Scottish Recovery Network’s Emma) join Graham, Heidi, Hayley and Jeanette as they share insights from the development process and their top tips! If you prefer audio only then scroll a bit further down for the podcast.

You can also find out more about them and the organisations they work with in these