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Developing a conversational intelligent agent for peer support

Researchers at Glasgow University are exploring how AI can play a role in developing peer support.

They are looking to develop a conversational AI agent with the capabilities to:

  • Match new people to suitable peer support groups
  • Coordinate group availability and preferences
  • Contribute to the training and continued learning of Peer Supporters

They have developed a very early demo of their Ferrybot: A Conversational AI Agent for Wellbeing for you to try out.

Get involved

This work is at the earliest stage and the researchers want to ensure that their work is informed by peers and those running and participating in peer support. They are looking for people to get involved in e.g. surveys, interviews, workshops and testing. You could also take a look at their poster and participant information sheet

If you are interested and would like to find out more you can contact the primary researcher Wanshu Yu by email at