Creating Hope Together with Peer Support
In this Insight piece for, our Director, Louise Christie examines the significant potential role of peer support and safe space for people in crisis and those affected by suicide.
When we talk to people with lived experience of mental health problems and those affected by suicide, they are very clear about the type of supports that really help them. They talk about the importance of being listened to, their experiences and feelings being validated and the response being one of compassion. When we ask where they find this, more often than not people tell us in peer support groups, with peer workers and in peer-led services.
It seems that we often underestimate the power of giving people a safe and nurturing space where they can talk to people who understand and where they don’t feel so alone.
Louise Christie, Director, Scottish Recovery Network
Read the full on the website.
Find out more about the new Scottish Government and COSLA Suicide Prevention Strategy – – and the commitment to peer support.